Monday, February 13, 2012

Living in Obedience

Olivia came into our lives in the merry month of May.  She was in Kindergarten at the time. For a child who lived in a car, hotel, shelter or wherever her parents could manage to stay, she had little, if any, experience with a typical "Sesame Street" preschool education.  Her exposure to school opened up a whole new world of knowledge and imagination.

After a happy summer adjusting to her new home, she started First Grade, joining her big brother on the bus, delighting in a whirl-wind of activities.  It wasn't long before I noticed a trend in the papers she brought home. The papers that she did in class were all one hundred percent correct, however, the papers she did on her own were less than half right.  I worried about her falling behind, especially since she was already at a disadvantage with her prior limited knowledge.  Not to mention, she was still acting out experiences that should have been part of her "typical" toddler years.

In the background of my mind was a nudge, a calling, if you will, from God, telling me to take the children out of school and teach them at home.  Two of my children had already graduated from public school and one was in high school, close to graduating.  The idea of teaching the youngest two at home would be new and different.  I was a Teacher's Aide for almost ten years, so I felt up to the challenge and figured that if God wanted me to do this, then He would help me though it.  My thinking was that He wanted me to take them out during their middle school years, but seeing how much Olivia was struggling I knew He wanted me to start teaching them as soon as possible.

We started out with separate grade levels, Donovan going into 3rd and Olivia into 2nd grade.  It wasn't long before it just made sense for the two of them to work their subjects together.  The added bonus to teaching them at home was that Olivia had a chance to bond with us, which I think is what attributes to most people thinking we've had her since birth.

So, here we are seven years later, and suddenly my world has been turned upside down.  That nudge, or calling, if you will, from God, is now telling me to put them back in public school.  After the initial shock wore off, over the course of the day, I got pretty emotional and could not stop the tears.  I have grown very comfortable having these two at home.  I enjoyed learning new things with them and seeing their excitement over the things they were learning.  I can see the benefits of them going to high school, but I selfishly want them with me.

Once I was able to carry on a decent conversation without dissolving in tears I told the kids what was going on.  We addressed any questions or concerns they had and talked about how easy it is to "trust" God when we don't have any challenges.  Going to school will give them many opportunities to stretch their faith and put to the test what they really believe.  Then we looked at the courses that are available and talked about what areas they might be interesting in pursuing.  It's going to be a big adjustment, and I'm pretty sure that Fall will arrive far too quickly, but I think we're going to be okay ... because we are living in obedience.


  1. I admire you following what your Father wants you to do even when it is hard, that is FAITH. He knows and wants what is best for all of you. I am confident in the phrase "it God brought you to it He will bring you through it" I certainly had that in my mind last year and continuing in my struggles still. He will bring you through it and I will be praying!

    1. Thank you for your prayers! and your words of encouragement, that means a lot to me. ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. Donna, I will be praying with you regarding this step of faith. I am still praying about whether to put Amelia in school here, since we have moved. I am still schooling here at home for now, but am starting to check into options in the public school system too. I know you were very obedient in schooling them all these years and I have admired you for how you organized your days, and the structure that you set up for Donovan and Olivia. It is so hard to let go, but I know that Charley also needs you now, and God will give you the wisdom to know that this truly is the right decision. I pray for your family and you continue to pray for us. Just remember, the kids won't get the Christian witness at school like they get at home. They won't have the opportunity to pray over their tests before they take them. I just pray that bullying won't happen to them in the schools like it does here. I hear about so much bullying in the school system.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Cheryl, I am confident that the Lord will guide you and your family to do what you need to stay close to Him. ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. Dearest--just remember, sending them to a building to learn facts and numbers does not change that YOU are their forever teacher.

    In your loving sacrifice and Christ-honoring obedience, they will learn a decade's worth alone. In your daily concern for them, helping with homework, praying with and for them, studying Scripture, attending after school activities, and a million other things, they will learn that true biblical parenting isn't location-based. It's heart-based. And in a home with hearts so grounded in the word of God, they couldn't be in a better place.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words! They went straight to my heart and lifted me up. ♥ ♥ ♥
