Monday, October 3, 2011

Daily Manna Provider

I've been thinking a lot lately about how we are so quick to pile stuff on our plate.

Which wouldn't be a bad thing if the plate was at the Hibachi Grill.

But, no, the "plate" I'm talking about is the one piled with worries and fears

the "plate" that most people refer to as "too much" ...

and is rather unappetizing ...

and yet, there we go, piling it on.

When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray

He included a very simple but profound request.

"Give us this day our daily bread."


You know ... that manna stuff

one day at a time ...

no storing up worries for tomorrow stuff.

So, when you discover that you are under insured

after a flash flood makes your home inhabitable ...

or that you don't have sick pay for that lengthy medical leave ...

or you think you are sinking ... cause the waves all around you are so high ...

or you feel so threatened that you just want to hide in a cave somewhere ...

that's not a bad place to be ...

it's actually a pretty good place,

cause that's where you find the daily manna Provider.
